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How to Deal with False Complaints with Respect to POSH Act?

How To Handle False Complaints Under The POSH Act

The POSH Act of 2013 under Section 14 (1) has laid out the provisions for false complaints and the penalties if it has been proven. It states that, “(1) Where the Internal Committee or the Local Committee, as the case may be, arrives at a conclusion that the allegation against the respondent is malicious...

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How to File Defamation Case? Proof, Evidence, Essentials and Defence

Woman Suffering mental Harassment due to defamation

The concept of reputation, self – respect is considered as an asset for every human and no damage or pain must be inflicted on it. Therefore, the Indian law has laid down all these provisions, essentials to make people who defame others liable and experience the punishment....

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The Importance Of Compliance Framework For An Organization

A lawyer is standing with Corporate Lawyer in Mumbai

The Compliance atmosphere in India has witnessed a sudden momentum and a number of old laws are now being replaced with new age laws. Some of the examples for the same are the Companies Act, 2013, Maternity Benefit Act, The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act etc. There are various discussions held to revamp the labour laws too so that the law is contemporary and is more modern....

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